The Skinny on Astrological Birth Charts: What They Are and Why You Need to Know Yours


Let's be honest, Astrology has taken its beatings over the years as being too vague. But here's the deal - only one teeny, tiny part of Astrology is ever talked about. And that part - your Zodiac Sign - applies to everyone born in that same 30ish day period.

Hardly specific to you.

I'm not knocking the Astrologers who write the local horoscopes because, hey, they're frecking awesome. Their hands are tied though, by trying to write for the masses. This doesn't work super well because Astrology is sooooo specifically personal to each person. More about that in a minute...

So why put any real stock in Astrology?

Here’s why….

The horoscopes that you read in the paper are only based on your Zodiac Sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun on the day you were born. Did you know that in addition to the Sun, other planetary beings - the Moon, every planet, and even a few really big asteroids - give off distinct energies? Your Sun sign is just one part of an interwoven tapestry of the energies in the world at the exact moment you were born, in the exact place you were born.  

So here’s why you sometimes don’t jive with what your Zodiac sign says about you:

Your Sun Sign describes your outward personality. ONLY.

It does not tell us how you feel about things in your innermost being (that’s your Moon); about your demons (that’s your Pluto); about the continual pattern of screwing up that you can’t seem to break out of (that’s your 12th House); about what is beautiful to you (that’s your Venus); what you rebel against (that’s your Uranus); the way other people see you (that’s your Ascendant).

Every part of your birth chart does!

So what is a Birth Chart?

A birth (also called natal) chart is a map of how the planets were aligned on the day of your birth. From that, we learn how those planetary energies imprinted qualities that you carry throughout your life. These qualities are affected everyday by the present position of the planets, by the choices you make, and the actions you take.

See this picture?  That is one example of a birth chart. All those symbols and lines look Greek to you? No prob. That’s where I come in.


Why You Need to Know Yours

As a therapist, so often I sit across from clients on my couch who beat themselves up for a quality that they place high value in, but don’t embody themselves.

 For example, let’s look at Pete. He’s an accountant who excels at his job but is unhappy in his marriage. He can’t let go and enjoy himself the way his brother, who is a P.E. teacher, can. He feels more comfortable at work with his numbers, than at the lake with his wife. He envies his brother and berates himself for not being carefree. This eats at him and he becomes more and more self-critical – even jealous of his own brother.

I wonder if he would be so hard on himself if he realized that his Saturn is in his 5th house. If only he knew, that could help him so much!

Don’t understand that Saturn reference I just made, right there? Well,


Astrology Birth Chart Reading

This reading is the foundation for all other Chart readings so this is a MUST, before we can explore anything else!

Did you know that at the moment you took your first breath, you were gifted with divine energy from the Universe?

Based on where the heavenly bodies were at that unique time contributes to the talents and disposition you possess. Let's find out what they are!

You may purchase this single reading and then decide later if you want to explore other areas of your chart.  If you know that you want to explore different areas in detail (like you love life, business, career, the next year, etc) then you can save a bunch by considering a package deal.

During your Birth Chart Reading we will explore the following:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses/Blocks
  • Talents
  • Psychic abilities
  • Career path
  • Romance style
  • Your outer personality
  • Your innermost relationship with yourself
  • How other people see you

Choose from the following options:



60-minute video recording delivered via email exploring your birth chart. Also includes:

  • A PDF version of your Birth Chart.



90-minute session via videoconferencing or in person, exploring your birth chart including Q&A session.  Also includes:

  • Recording of session
  • 3 follow-up questions via email
  • A PDF version of your Birth Chart

I explain what all those symbols and lines mean and how they relate to each other during a Birth Chart Reading. You will walk away with a clear understanding of what your chart says about you. When I do first time readings, I often hear things like "Oh my God! This explains so much!" 

Explore your birth chart and learn what makes you tick! Click the image to schedule a Birth Chart Reading with me. In about an hour and for less than the cost of a night out you can change the way you look at yourself FOREVER.