
The decision to tackle your issues was not an easy one and I commend you for being so brave. As tough as things are right now, It's way more challenging to deal with your stuff than to stay where you are. Below you'll find some common issues that I can help you with.

You can familiarize yourself with how I approach therapy and what therapy sessions are like In the WHAT TO EXPECT section. You can also learn more about what Online therapy is like in the ONLINE THERAPY FAQs section. 



Guess what? Maybe it’s not personality flaws. Maybe this is the way your brain is wired. Different, but not defeating. Even if you’ve lived your life wondering why you can’t just do things that are expected of you - like ‘normal’ people.

Being told you’ve have had ADHD as an adult can create an identity crisis. Learning how to unravel the cycle of shame, negative self talk, and inconsistent executive functioning is key to embracing the great parts of your genius. You can capitalize on the things you do better than others, and onboard supports that help you do so!


Some signs that you are suffering from burnout are: low energy, creative depletion, short temper, loss of enthusiasm/caring about keeping up, forgetting things, physical issues (chronic pain, weight gain or loss, etc.).

Maybe you used to be on top of things but lately you're letting them slip. Things like work projects, kid's extracurricular activities, your home chores, relationships with your spouse or friends, and/or self-care.

It's time to pay attention to meeting your own needs, rather than killing yourself for your boss/kids/spouse/friend's needs? 


Have trouble falling or staying asleep? Maybe you’re sleeping too much? When we have trouble sleeping we are left feeing tired but wired during the day. Even if on paper it looks like we get enough hours of sleep, sometimes we wake up not feeling refreshed. Like we barely slept at all. This might be insomnia and I am specially trained to combat this.

It’s time for a better night’s sleep.

depressed college girl gazing in distance


We've all seen the commercials - persistent sadness, loss of joy, feeling worthless, helpless, hopeless. However, depression is not the dark pit that you feel trapped in - even though it sure feels that way.

Depression is a signal to yourself that something is not right in your core. There is a disconnect and shame at your core that keeps you trapped in an emotional spiral of sadness. 

Reconnecting and balancing your mind-body-soul-spirit relationship is key to climbing out of that pit and finding yourself again.  It's finally time.

red haired woman sad and confused


We all experience times of transition in our lives, when we change from one thing to another, be it a location, life partner, health circumstance, et.al. It is in these times that our brains and emotions are primed to accept change. 

Take advantage of your life changes by adding what you want to your life instead of resigning yourself to what you think life has dealt you.

This is your story. Don't you think it's time you became the author instead of a character?

sad girl with head in hands


Just can't seem to get over your ex? So you lost yourself in the relationship and now its over. How you are supposed to go on by yourself? 

The end of a serious relationship, either through divorce or breakup, can be similar to experiencing a death. You go through a grieving process and it can break you. Or it can make you.

Its time to discover who you are without him/her. It is not too late you to find the love that you deserve. This is your story to write now.


Regular Individual Therapy Session: $180 (50 minutes)

Initial Individual Session:  $225 (50 minutes)

Extended Initial Individual Session: $300 (1 hr 50 minutes)

Regular Couples Session: $222 (80 minutes)

Couples Initial Session: $250 (80 minutes)